APH Soluções & ENG
APH Soluções & ENG works directly with the supply of spare parts and technical assistance for Rotary Regenerative Air Preheaters (PAF and/or PAR) and Industrial Milling Systems with Roller mills, vertical mills and Bowl Mill type.
We have skilled professionals with extensive experience in designing, manufacturing, installing and commissioning these equipment. We also provide engineering services and supervision of filed assemblies and field inspections.
A little about our Services and Products
We are authorized and exclusive commercial representatives of ARVOS Ljungström in South America for the sales of spare parts, equipment and specialized services. The ARVOS Group owns the Ljungström® technology, the largest and oldest manufacturer of Air Preheaters in the world, with more than a century of operations in different markets worldwide. It is a leader in its segment, maintaining over 75% of the installed base of Air Preheaters in the WORLD.
For milling systems we offer, in addition to spare parts, consulting services in grinding as well as supervision of maintenance and assembly of roller mills. We also provide training for on-site operation and maintenance teams.
APH Solução e Engenharia entra no mercado de assistência técnicas, auxílio a manutenção inspeção e venda de peças para moinhos Verticais Micronizadores O vasto conhecimento adquirido pela a APH nos sistemas de moagens auxilia também no desenvolvimentos de peças especiais para todos os modelos de moinhos. A vantagem dos materiais fornecido pela a APH é o custo benefício por ser completamente desenvolvidos e fabricados no Brasil. Esse equipamentos são utilizados principalmente na indústria de cacau, talco e indústria de tintas
- Chapa de desgaste;
- Martelos com aplicação de material resistente a brasão;
- Disco defletor;
- E demais componentes necessários para esse modelo de equipamento.